
Nanoscale Fabrication and Metrology Facilities for Nanomaterials and Organic Semiconductors Processing

The nanoscale fabrication and metrology facilities of the Nanomaterials Engineering Research group locate in our high-ceiling labs D126/D128 and D130/D132 of HCI building at the ETH Hönggerberg. The facilities are highly complementary to the FIRST - Center for Micro- and Nanoscience, which is one floor below us. 

The main objective of our nanofabrication facilities is to fabricate nanoscale devices made by air- or solvent-sensitive electronic materials and soft matters, such as organic, polymer, and quantum-confined low-dimensional semiconductors . To this end, we integrate high-precision processing equipment ranging from glovebox-integrated high-vacuum PVDs (e-beam/thermal evaporators and DC/RF/HiPIMS sputtering system), CVDs (graphene and 2D materials growth), Gallium focused ion beam (FIB) / electron-beam lithography (EBL) for nanoprototyping, to nanoscale metrology (SEM and AFM).

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