Prof. Chih-Jen Shih receives 2017 Ruzicka Prize
This year the Ruzicka Prize of ETH Zurich goes to Maria Ibáñez and Chih-Jen Shih.

Recognizing their pioneering results, ETH Zurich awards the Ruzicka Prize to two scientists of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences (D-CHAB): Maria Ibáñez, postdoc in the group of ETH professor Maksym Kovalenko, receives the prize for the improved synthesis of materials that can generate electricity from waste heat. Chih-Jen Shih, a professor at the Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering, receives the prize for the development of LEDs with an unachieved color spectrum for the next generation of displays. Both researchers receive a prize money of 5000 Swiss francs and the Ruzicka medal.