Great success of Raman Workshop 2017 organized by the LISE group members
3 day workshop organized by our group members attracted more than 80 participants, allowing scientific discussions between fellows working with Raman spectroscopy.
Organized by Jakub Jagielski, Tian Tian, and Wen-Yueh Yu, the Raman Microscopy Workshop 2017 at ETH Zurich is intended to continue the success in 2016. This year’s workshop aims to maintain the network of active researchers working with Raman Spectroscopy in Switzerland and to gain further insights into the various techniques and applications in science and engineering.
In the field of materials research and characterization, Raman Spectroscopy, with its various specifications like near field techniques (SERS, TERS) and in combination with non-chemical characterization methods (SEM, AFM) finds various applications.
Bringing together researchers from different groups and with different backgrounds in this broad and diverse field will strengthen collaborative research and exchange of ideas.
This workshop features hands-on sessions, with a practical guidance and time for detailed questions concerning measurement setups. A special focus is put on applications of Raman Microscopy in material and bio-sciences, and the workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of ideas between participants.