[Chimia] Engineering Two-dimensional Materials Surface Chemistry
Invited review article for the special issue of Chimia "New Faculty in Switzerland"
Our work featured among the most read articles in ACS Nano
Our report about realization of the first blue perovskite LEDs using layer-controlled 2D perovskites has been highlighted in ACS Nano as one of the most read articles in November 2016.
[ACS Nano] Efficient Blue Electroluminescence Using Quantum-Confined Two-Dimensional Perovskites
Layer-controlled 2D hybrid perovskites were synthesized for the first time, enabling blue LEDs. This might be the ultimate solution of low-cost, large-area light sources.
[Adv. Colloid Interface Sci.] Understanding the colloidal dispersion stability of 1D and 2D materials: Perspectives from molecular simulations and theoretical modeling
Invited review article as a Historical Perspective in a Special Issue honoring the 90th birthday of Professor Eli Ruckenstein.
Our work is featured on nanotechweb.org
Field effect improves quantum capacitors and vertical transistors
[Science] Layered and Scrolled Nanocomposites with Aligned Semi-Infinite Graphene Inclusions at the Platelet Limit
Perfectly aligned graphene inclusions may lead to the strongest nanocomposites.
[Nano Lett.] Multiscale Analysis for Field-Effect Penetration through Two-Dimensional Materials
Our theoretical framework elucidates how transparent for an one-molecule-thick 2D material to an electrostatic field.
Second Lab Opening
Thanks to the labor of the ETH technical team, the renovation of lab HCI E118/120 is finally finished on 18. April 2016. The new lab is now open for chemical synthesis and material preparation.