Join Us!

We are collaborative, ambitious, interdisciplinary research team advancing nano science and engineering. We welcome self-motivated researchers with outstanding academic record and professional integrity to join us. Research projects ranging from chemical engineering, physics, materials science, chemistry, and electrical engineering are covered.

ETH Zurich is consistently rated among the best universities in the world and offers an unrivaled atmosphere for scientific development and technological innovation. Group members will have the opportunities to cowork with international faculty and researchers, stimulating creative ideas and research opportunities.


Postdoctoral Researchers

We regularly have 1 - 2 positions for new postdoctoral researchers. We open to work with scientists from different areas in nanotechnology, nanophotonics, nanomaterials, and organic electronics. Please contact Prof. Shih if you are interested.

Ph.D. Students

We regularly have 1 - 2 PhD positions for students who have completed master study with solid academic background in one of the following areas: (i) chemical engineering, (ii) organic synthesis, and (iii) solid-state physics. Please contact Prof. Shih if you are interested.

Master Students

  • To apply for the master program offered by the ICB at ETH Zurich, please follow the procedure in the link
  • After receiving an official offer from ICB, please email me if you are interested in our research directions.
  • An overview with potential master thesis projects within our group can be found here.


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